Now What Are Greedy Men Doing To Mother Earth
Movies / Films That Tell The Stories
"A Warning from the Grave" JFK Conspiracy Speech 1961 Before Zionists Had Him Whacked
"A Warning from the Grave" JFK Conspiracy Speech 1961"A Warning from the Grave" A warning about secret societies - those with a private agenda. World conquest and domination. We hear of the underworld, of cours...
"A Warning from the Grave" JFK Conspiracy Speech 1961"A Warning from the Grave" A warning about secret societies - those with a private agenda. World conquest and domination. We hear of the underworld, of cours...
Stories Writings
Buffalohair Productions Investigative Documentary Journalism
Buffalohair NativeVue Story Archives Plus Buffalohairs News Links For 2014 Remember NativeVue where a lot of the Story Telling Began to be in the publics eye? What happened to those Archives? I saved them for you:)
Carlos TheZilla 2 hours ago via Buzzsaw on Lip TV: YouTube Greed and Corruption Shocking Redistribution of Wealth in the US in America is getting even less distributed among the people, with the wealthiest 1% getting even more of the country's money than before. We look at the latest statistics on wealth distribution and how most people actually have no money at all to their name in this clip
shared a link via Torben Thoger.
Torben Thoger
Money is created out of thin air. The entire system is a con game.
Hidden Secrets of Money - Free Video Series on Money Secretshiddensecretsofmoney.comMike Maloney takes you to Egypt to unravel the difference between currency and money. This is one of the most important lessons you will ever learn, and will pave the way for your understanding of future episodes. Because without knowing exactly what money on
Torben Thoger
Money is created out of thin air. The entire system is a con game.
Hidden Secrets of Money - Free Video Series on Money Secretshiddensecretsofmoney.comMike Maloney takes you to Egypt to unravel the difference between currency and money. This is one of the most important lessons you will ever learn, and will pave the way for your understanding of future episodes. Because without knowing exactly what money on
Let Willie Pickton Speak: Revealing the Bigger Picture of Canada’s Genocide Posted on February 22, 2016 by Kevin
by Kevin D. Annett
“Pickton was the straw man set up for everyone to gawk at and hate while the real killers got away. The arrangement was vast and orchestrated from the very top”. – Grant Wakefield, former CSIS agent and undercover operative at the “Piggy’s Palace” killing site, August 4, 2011
“It’s not just our women who are going missing. Whole families are disappearing, starting with the children. Our northern communities are being wiped out for their land by big corporations and their hired RCMP thugs. It’s the residential school genocide taken to its next step.” – Carol Martin, Vancouver, September 12, 2008
I’ve never met the alleged serial killer Willie Pickton, but he and I have this much in common: we have both just published books that have Canada’s power brokers worried. Willie’s book, Pickton in his Own Words, claims that he was framed by the RCMP for the murder of dozens of mostly aboriginal women. My own book, Murder by Decree: The Crime of Genocide in Canada, shows that such organized race killing is endemic to this nation and carries on today.
Like anyone who’s worked for many years on the streets of Vancouver’s downtown east side, I learned early on and firsthand of the deep complicity of both the RCMP and Vancouver police in the rape, disappearance and killing of local, mostly aboriginal women. These killings are no more random or aimless than were the murder by decree of more than 50,000 Indian residential school children.
They were all in fact targeted executions designed to wipe out traditional native families to steal their lands and complete the final extermination of their nations. Canada is doing its best to hide these racial murders and protect the real killers through sanitized “inquiries” run by the very groups responsible for our homegrown genocide.
Our two books throw a damning spotlight on this cover up. My book exposes the most blatant of these show pieces – the so-called Truth and Reconciliation Commission” (TRC) that found nobody guilty for the residential schools massacre – by publishing evidence suppressed by the TRC that proves that genocide in Canada by church and state was deliberate and institutionalized from the beginning, and has been massively concealed. And Willie Pickton’s book threatens to derail the government’s controlled in-house “Inquiry into Missing Native Women” by discarding his assigned role as official scapegoat for the organized racially targeted killing of Indians.
Regardless of Willie Pickton’s real or imagined involvement in these killings, he – like me – is a target of a huge public hatred and fear incited by those who stand to lose by the truth coming out. Insiders to a crime, after all, are always the most dangerous of witnesses. But no amount of fear mongering can mask these inconvenient truths:
1. Policemen, crown prosecutors and politicians were all present at Piggy Palace parties where women were tortured and killed, as routinely as “visiting dignitaries” at residential schools abducted and murdered children;
2. At least three other body dumping sites have been identified in Vancouver where Dave Pickton was seen depositing human remains: sites that both the police and media refuse to investigate as steadfastly as they ignore the twenty eight documented mass grave sites of residential school children;
3. As with the TRC cover up of the residential school genocide, every effort to extend the web of criminal complicity past lone individuals has been deliberately stopped and suppressed by the courts and the police;
4. The “official” dead body count, whether of residential school children or aboriginal women today, has been kept ludicrously low, contrary to all the evidence; and
5. Lawyers for aboriginal victims’ families have actively colluded with police and government to suppress any evidence suggesting a wider, systemic crime and not merely an episodic one.
It is truly remarkable how uniform is the pattern of official malfeasance and its accompanying obfuscation, whether years ago or today. A west coast Indian Agent in January, 1940 expressed this design perhaps more honestly than most bureaucrats when he wrote, after the standard cursory inspection following the death of children at the United Church residential school in Ahousaht, B.C.:
“As this was the property of the church, care was taken to avoid too close an inquiry.” (P.D. Ashbridge to Indian Affairs, January 17, 1940)
Honesty at the top or not, indigenous nations in Canada are still as firmly in the cross hairs of big money and their state accomplices as they ever were.
Foreign investors with a stake in the riches of Canada’s western and northern regions – especially Chinese cartels – are the force behind the reign of terror being unleashed on aboriginal families to dispossess them of their lands and their children.
The RCMP is the hired gun working for this Mob and the courts stand by to smooth the arrangement, while Ottawa dissimulates and prattles on about “healing and reconciliation”.
For these reasons and more, the systematic killing of native women and children across Canada will continue, for it is not only a profitable venture but the key to wiping out such a targeted culture over time. And so too will carry on the silencing of voices opposed to this genocidal paradigm and its official narrative.
So don’t expect either my book or Willie Pickton’s to hit the Canadian bestseller list, or even to survive to a second edition. That’s all the more reason, of course, to get our books.
………………………………………… Copies of my two new books can be ordered through Amazon: Unrelenting: Between Sodom and Zion (
and Murder by Decree: The Crime of Genocide in Canada(
Posted in "Truth and Reconciliation Commission", 9th circle, Action: What to Do, APTN, Canada, Catholic Church, Charges Laid, Child Trafficking, China, Chuch of England, Church of Rome, Crown of England, CSIS, Ethnic Cleansing, Genocide in Canada, Historical Background, ITCCS, Jorge Bergoglio, Joseph Ratzinger, Kevin Annett, Legal Background, Mass Graves in Canada, Media, Ninth Circle, Ottawa, pedophilia, police state, Press TV, Prime Minister Harper, Public International Court of Justice, Public Summonses, RCMP, Republic of Kanata, Rev. Kevin Annett, Ritual Rape and Torture of Children, Roman Catholic Church, Satanic Ritual Torture, Testimonies of Survivors and Eyewitnesses, The International Common Law Court of Justice, Twelve Mile Club, United Church of Canada, Vatican, William Combes
As I discussed earlier this week, the globalists want to use “sustainable development” as an excuse to micromanage the lives of every man, woman and child on the entire globe.
We are told that individual liberty and freedom are “dangerous” because when everyone just runs around doing whatever they want it is “bad for the planet”.
For example, one of the goals of the sustainable development crowd is to push the human population into giant “megacities” and to allow nature to recapture much of what has already been settled by humanity.
The following map that comes from America 2050 is one example of what they want to do. A recent piece by Dave Hodges alerted me to this map, and it shows what the United States may look like in a few decades if the globalists have their way…
And of course this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Eventually, the globalists want to fundamentally transform virtually everything about our society. This includes our economy, our government, our entertainment, our social interactions, our families and even our religious beliefs.
So don’t let all of the nice language fool you.
This “new universal Agenda” is far, far more dangerous than Agenda 21 ever was, and it is a giant step forward into a one world system governed by bureaucratic control freaks.
The off-the-record analysis of this supposed coming devaluation of the dollar will mean for every dollar one has in the bank, that dollar will lose 90% of its buying power in the conversion when it takes place in October. What Will a Currency Devaluation Mean to You? If this conversion takes place, most of you will not be able to afford to drive to work, because you will not be able to afford put gas in your tank. If these conversion rates are anywhere close to being accurate, you won’t be paying the present $3.00 per gallon, you would be paying somewhere around $30.00 per gallon! Your $200,000 mortgage would now be $2 million dollar mortgage! Now it makes sense why so many of our home mortgages have been transferred to either the International Monetary Fund or directly to our new landlords, the Chinese government.
Where will Americans secure food and other life-sustaining supplies? All of the above events would force Americans in the short-term into FEMA camps in order to receive the aforementioned life-saving supplies. Remember, the average American family has no savings and only three days of food on hand in their home.
Eventually, Americans would be forced into the “stack and packs” that the globalists talk about in Mike Krulig’s “America 2050” derived from his Agenda 21 “Build One America” program.
This is the picture that the globalists do not want you to see as Mike Krulig is advising the President on the America 2050 plan.
I have written about America 2050 in recent days as it is globalist plan, headed by the Obama’s administration, Mike Krulig, the founder of the Agenda 21 population centralization plan known as “Building One America”. Building One America is the first steps toward the fulfillment of the creation of 11 mega-regions which will contain six million people each. The missing 250 million people in the America 2050 plan, matches the Deagel Report of a similar population reduction for the United States to take place by 2025.
If what has been announced is true, then every individual has only a short time to get their house in order. There are no shortage of articles which talk about individual preparation. Among the preparations that everyone needs to make has to do with getting out of cash and into precious metals. Adding silver and gold to your portfolio is the only way to ensure that your currency will be accepted following the collapse.
We are told that individual liberty and freedom are “dangerous” because when everyone just runs around doing whatever they want it is “bad for the planet”.
For example, one of the goals of the sustainable development crowd is to push the human population into giant “megacities” and to allow nature to recapture much of what has already been settled by humanity.
The following map that comes from America 2050 is one example of what they want to do. A recent piece by Dave Hodges alerted me to this map, and it shows what the United States may look like in a few decades if the globalists have their way…
And of course this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Eventually, the globalists want to fundamentally transform virtually everything about our society. This includes our economy, our government, our entertainment, our social interactions, our families and even our religious beliefs.
So don’t let all of the nice language fool you.
This “new universal Agenda” is far, far more dangerous than Agenda 21 ever was, and it is a giant step forward into a one world system governed by bureaucratic control freaks.
The off-the-record analysis of this supposed coming devaluation of the dollar will mean for every dollar one has in the bank, that dollar will lose 90% of its buying power in the conversion when it takes place in October. What Will a Currency Devaluation Mean to You? If this conversion takes place, most of you will not be able to afford to drive to work, because you will not be able to afford put gas in your tank. If these conversion rates are anywhere close to being accurate, you won’t be paying the present $3.00 per gallon, you would be paying somewhere around $30.00 per gallon! Your $200,000 mortgage would now be $2 million dollar mortgage! Now it makes sense why so many of our home mortgages have been transferred to either the International Monetary Fund or directly to our new landlords, the Chinese government.
Where will Americans secure food and other life-sustaining supplies? All of the above events would force Americans in the short-term into FEMA camps in order to receive the aforementioned life-saving supplies. Remember, the average American family has no savings and only three days of food on hand in their home.
Eventually, Americans would be forced into the “stack and packs” that the globalists talk about in Mike Krulig’s “America 2050” derived from his Agenda 21 “Build One America” program.
This is the picture that the globalists do not want you to see as Mike Krulig is advising the President on the America 2050 plan.
I have written about America 2050 in recent days as it is globalist plan, headed by the Obama’s administration, Mike Krulig, the founder of the Agenda 21 population centralization plan known as “Building One America”. Building One America is the first steps toward the fulfillment of the creation of 11 mega-regions which will contain six million people each. The missing 250 million people in the America 2050 plan, matches the Deagel Report of a similar population reduction for the United States to take place by 2025.
If what has been announced is true, then every individual has only a short time to get their house in order. There are no shortage of articles which talk about individual preparation. Among the preparations that everyone needs to make has to do with getting out of cash and into precious metals. Adding silver and gold to your portfolio is the only way to ensure that your currency will be accepted following the collapse.
Goal 1 End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Goal 2 End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
Goal 3 Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Goal 4 Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Goal 5 Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Goal 6 Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
Goal 7 Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
Goal 8 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Goal 9 Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Goal 10 Reduce inequality within and among countries
Goal 11 Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Goal 12 Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Goal 13 Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts*
Goal 14 Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
Goal 15 Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
Goal 16 Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
Goal 17 Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
Goal 2 End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
Goal 3 Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Goal 4 Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Goal 5 Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Goal 6 Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
Goal 7 Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
Goal 8 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Goal 9 Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Goal 10 Reduce inequality within and among countries
Goal 11 Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Goal 12 Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Goal 13 Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts*
Goal 14 Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
Goal 15 Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
Goal 16 Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
Goal 17 Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
8 Household Electronics That Are Hurting You/ Part 1 / 2 / Dr. Debra Greene
In part 1 of 2 in the series "8 Household Electronics that are HURTING You," Dr. Greene shows the health hazards
In part 2 of 2 in the series "8 Household Electronics that are HURTING You" Dr. Greene demonstrates the dangers and solutions
In part 1 of 2 in the series "8 Household Electronics that are HURTING You," Dr. Greene shows the health hazards
In part 2 of 2 in the series "8 Household Electronics that are HURTING You" Dr. Greene demonstrates the dangers and solutions
Antonio Sanchez via Dane Wigington6 hrs · Listen! Listen! The cat's pissin'!
The Global Elite Are Preparing For Total Collapse
Exposing the chemtrail-geoengineering
The Global Elite Are Preparing For Total Collapse
Exposing the chemtrail-geoengineering
The DuPont investigation
Steps of Free Masons
Dupont History Documentary on Black Powder or Gun Powder
The DuPont investigation
Steps of Free Masons
Dupont History Documentary on Black Powder or Gun Powder
Why Are Banking Executives In London Killing Themselves? Louise? Comment: First about 20 suicides, then a Dutch banker and family, then a Liechtenstein banker and now a Belgian banker and his family - if I were a banker I would start spilling the beans now, and risk prison - rather than wait for the cleansing of the possible canaries
BNP Banker, His Wife And Nephew Murdered In Belgium | Zero In the beginning it was banker suicides. Then about two weeks ago, suicides were replaced by outright murders after the execution-style killing of the CEO of a bank in otherwise sleepy (and tax evasive)...
BNP Banker, His Wife And Nephew Murdered In Belgium | Zero In the beginning it was banker suicides. Then about two weeks ago, suicides were replaced by outright murders after the execution-style killing of the CEO of a bank in otherwise sleepy (and tax evasive)...
A daily independent global news hour with Amy Goodman & Juan González
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man: How the U.S. Uses Globalization to Cheat Poor Countries Out of Trillions
For the safety of our children and grandchildren! And the walls came tumbling down!
Royal budget busters. Britains False Queen Elizabeth forced to dip into reserves after taxpayers funding is spent.
Royal budget busters. Britains False Queen Elizabeth forced to dip into reserves after taxpayers funding is spent.
Carlos TheZilla shared a link.
Academi/Blackwater is owned by Monsanto
400 U.S. Mercenaries Deployed In Ukraine to 'Murder Citizens'
Academi/Blackwater is owned by Monsanto
400 U.S. Mercenaries Deployed In Ukraine to 'Murder Citizens'
shared A Sheep No More's photo. about an hour ago Bill Gates, Monsanto, and eugenics: How one of the world’s wealthiest men is actively promoting a corporate takeover of global agriculture
After it was exposed that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the philanthropic brainchild of Microsoft founder Bill Gates, purchased 500,000 shares in Monsanto back in 2010 valued at more than $23 million, it became abundantly clear that this so-called benevolent charity is up to something other than eradicating disease and feeding the world’s poor. It turns out that the Gates family legacy has long been one of trying to dominate and control the world’s systems, including in the areas of technology, medicine, and now agriculture. - See more at: — with Cinder Ella.
After it was exposed that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the philanthropic brainchild of Microsoft founder Bill Gates, purchased 500,000 shares in Monsanto back in 2010 valued at more than $23 million, it became abundantly clear that this so-called benevolent charity is up to something other than eradicating disease and feeding the world’s poor. It turns out that the Gates family legacy has long been one of trying to dominate and control the world’s systems, including in the areas of technology, medicine, and now agriculture. - See more at: — with Cinder Ella.
THE QUEENS ARREST IS IMMINENT. Time to bring in these crooks, Leave our children alone ! Not even a true queen as she and her family are of wrong blood line! A out of wedlock boy as King a no no!
The Queen’s face etched with fear, following paedophile arrest warrant, ordered by former Royal Military Policeman, Matt Taylor.The Queen has granted herself (and her family) a new right of absolutely secrecy unsurpassed in British history, in an attempt to cover up paedophile claims and arrest warrants……..
Quote:”By granting herself absolute protection from public scrutiny, (in the most controversial move of her Monarchy), she hopes to draw a veil of secrecy over:
The Queen’s face etched with fear, following paedophile arrest warrant, ordered by former Royal Military Policeman, Matt Taylor.The Queen has granted herself (and her family) a new right of absolutely secrecy unsurpassed in British history, in an attempt to cover up paedophile claims and arrest warrants……..
Quote:”By granting herself absolute protection from public scrutiny, (in the most controversial move of her Monarchy), she hopes to draw a veil of secrecy over:
The paedophile rumours.
The arrest warrant ordered by ex-Royal Military Policeman Matt Taylor, against her and David Cameron for sex crimes against children.
The arrest warrant issued by David Compan which indicted the Queen and her husband in the 1964 disappearance of ten indigent children of the Canadian Kamloops Indian Residential School, who were last seen heading for a picnic with Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip, never to be seen again. To this day, grieving parents haven’t seen them since.(Its worthy of note: Last week British citizen David Compan was twice arrested without charges, accosted and drugged, as was his wife. He remained incarcerated for at least a month in the London Park Royal Mental Health Centre, until pressure from the public secured his release.)
Her involvement in Princess Diana’s death.
The “Extravagant and Indulgent” abuse of the public purse by junior Royals and their friends.
Satanic Worship.
The Queen is Guilty.
On Feb. 25 2013 six judges on Brussels international court found Queen Elizabeth, Prince Phillip, Catholic Pope Joseph Ratzinger and 37 other elites guilty of Crimes Against Humanity.
An arrest warrant was served on Ratzinger, who immediately resigned from office.”
Abdullah II, King of Jordan
Abramovich, Roman
Ackermann, Josef
Adeane, Edward
Agius, Marcus
Ahtisaari, Martti
Akerson, Daniel
Albert II, King of Belgium
Alexander, Crown Prince of Yugoslavia
Amato, Giuliano
Anderson, Carl A.
Andreotti, Giulio
Andrew, Duke of York
Anne, Princess Royal
Anstee, Nick
Ash, Timothy Garton
Astor, William Waldorf
Aven, Pyotr
Balkenende, Jan Peter
Ballmer, Steve
Balls, Ed
Barroso, José Manuel
Beatrix, Queen of the Netherlands
Belka, Marek
Bergsten, C. Fred
Berlusconi, Silvio
Bernake, Ben
Bernstein, Nils
Berwick, Donald
Bildt, Carl
Bischoff, Sir Winfried
Blair, Tony
Blankfein, Lloyd
Blavatnik, Leonard
Bloomberg, Michael
Bolkestein, Frits
Bolkiah, Hassanal
Bonello, Michael C
Bonino, Emma
Boren, David L.
Borwin, Duke of Mecklenburg
Bronfman, Charles
Bronfman, Edgar Jr.
Bruton, John
Brzezinski, Zbigniew
Budenberg, Robin
Buffet, Warren
Bush, George HW
Cameron, David
Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall
Cardoso, Fernando Henrique
Carington, Peter
Carl XVI Gustaf, King of Sweden
Carlos, Duke of Parma
Carney, Mark
Carroll, Cynthia
Caruana, Jaime
Castell, Sir William
Chan, Anson
Chan, Margaret
Chan, Norman
Charles, Prince of Wales
Chartres, Richard
Chiaie, Stefano Delle
Chipman, Dr John
Chodiev, Patokh
Christoph, Prince of Schleswig-Holstein
Cicchitto, Fabrizio
Clark, Wesley
Clarke, Kenneth
Clegg, Nick
Clinton, Bill
Cohen, Abby Joseph
Cohen, Ronald
Cohn, Gary
Colonna di Paliano, Marcantonio, Duke of Paliano
Constantijn, Prince of the Netherlands
Constantine II, King of Greece
Cooksey, David
Cowen, Brian
Craven, Sir John
Crockett, Andrew
Dadush, Uri
D’Aloisio, Tony
Darling, Alistair
Davies, Sir Howard
Davignon, Étienne
Davis, David
de Rothschild, Benjamin
de Rothschild, David René
de Rothschild, Evelyn
de Rothschild, Leopold
Deiss, Joseph
Deripaska, Oleg
Dobson, Michael
Draghi, Mario
Du Plessis, Jan
Dudley, William C.
Duisenberg, Wim
Edward, Duke of Kent
Edward, Earl of Wessex
Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom
Elkann, John
Emanuele, Vittorio, Prince of Naples
Ernst August, Prince of Hanover
Feldstein, Martin
Festing, Matthew
Fillon, François
Fischer, Heinz
Fischer, Joschka
Fischer, Stanley
FitzGerald, Niall
Franz, Duke of Bavaria
Fridman, Mikhail
Friso, Prince of Orange-Nassau
Gates, Bill
Geidt, Christopher
Geithner, Timothy
Georg Friedrich, Prince of Prussia
Gibson-Smith, Dr Chris
Gorbachev, Mikhail
Gore, Al
Gotlieb, Allan
Green, Stephen
Greenspan, Alan
Grosvenor, Gerald, 6th Duke of Westminster
Gurría, José Ángel
Hague, William
Hampton, Sir Philip
Hans-Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein
Harald V, King of Norway
Harper, Stephen
Heisbourg, François
Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg
Hildebrand, Philipp
Hills, Carla Anderson
Holbrooke, Richard
Honohan, Patrick
Howard, Alan
Ibragimov, Alijan
Ingves, Stefan
Isaacson, Walter
Juan Carlos, King of Spain
Jacobs, Kenneth M.
Julius, DeAnne
Juncker, Jean-Claude
Kenen, Peter
Kerry, John
King, Mervyn
Kinnock, Glenys
Kissinger, Henry
Knight, Malcolm
Koon, William H. II
Krugman, Paul
Kufuor, John
Lajolo, Giovanni
Lake, Anthony
Lambert, Richard
Lamy, Pascal
Landau, Jean-Pierre
Laurence, Timothy
Leigh-Pemberton, James
Leka, Crown Prince of Albania
Leonard, Mark
Levene, Peter
Leviev, Lev
Levitt, Arthur
Levy, Michael
Lieberman, Joe
Livingston, Ian
Loong, Lee Hsien
Lorenz of Belgium, Archduke of Austria-Este
Louis Alphonse, Duke of Anjou
Louis-Dreyfus, Gérard
Mabel, Princess of Orange-Nassau
Mandelson, Peter
Manning, Sir David
Margherita, Archduchess of Austria-Este
Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark
Martínez, Guillermo Ortiz
Mashkevitch, Alexander
Massimo, Stefano, Prince of Roccasecca dei Volsci
Massimo-Brancaccio, Fabrizio Prince of Arsoli and Triggiano
McDonough, William Joseph
McLarty, Mack
Mersch, Yves
Michael, Prince of Kent
Michael, King of Romania
Miliband, David
Miliband, Ed
Mittal, Lakshmi
Moreno, Glen
Moritz, Prince and Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel
Murdoch, Rupert
Napoléon, Charles
Nasser, Jacques
Niblett, Robin
Nichols, Vincent
Nicolás, Adolfo
Noyer, Christian
Ofer, Sammy
Ogilvy, Alexandra, Lady Ogilvy
Ogilvy, David, 13th Earl of Airlie
Ollila, Jorma
Oppenheimer, Nicky
Osborne, George
Oudea, Frederic
Parker, Sir John
Patten, Chris
Pébereau, Michel
Penny, Gareth
Peres, Shimon
Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Pio, Dom Duarte, Duke of Braganza
Pöhl, Karl Otto
Powell, Colin
Prokhorov, Mikhail
Quaden, Guy
Rasmussen, Anders Fogh
Ratzinger, Joseph Alois (Pope Benedict XVI)
Reuben, David
Reuben, Simon
Rhodes, William R.
Rice, Susan
Richard, Duke of Gloucester
Rifkind, Sir Malcolm
Ritblat, Sir John
Roach, Stephen S.
Robinson, Mary
Rockefeller, David Jr.
Rockefeller, David Sr.
Rockefeller, Nicholas
Rodríguez, Javier Echevarría
Rogoff, Kenneth
Roth, Jean-Pierre
Rothschild, Jacob
Rubenstein, David
Rubin, Robert
Ruspoli, Francesco, 10th Prince of Cerveteri
Safra, Joseph
Safra, Moises
Sands, Peter
Sarkozy, Nicolas
Sassoon, Isaac
Sassoon, James
Sawers, Sir Robert John
Scardino, Marjorie
Schwab, Klaus
Schwarzenberg, Karel
Schwarzman, Stephen A.
Shapiro, Sidney
Sheinwald, Nigel
Sigismund, Grand Duke of Tuscany, Archduke of Austria
Simeon of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
Snowe, Olympia
Sofía, Queen of Spain
Soros, George
Specter, Arlen
Stern, Ernest
Stevenson, Dennis
Steyer, Tom
Stiglitz, Joseph
Strauss-Kahn, Dominique
Straw, Jack
Sutherland, Peter
Tanner, Mary
Tedeschi, Ettore Gotti
Thompson, Mark
Thomson, Dr. James
Tietmeyer, Hans
Trichet, Jean-Claude
Tucker, Paul
Van Rompuy, Herman
Vélez, Álvaro Uribe
Verplaetse, Alfons
Villiger, Kaspar
Vladimirovna, Maria, Grand Duchess of Russia
Volcker, Paul
von Habsburg, Otto
Waddaulah, Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin, Sultan of Brunei
Walker, Sir David
Wallenberg, Jacob
Walsh, John
Warburg, Max
Weber, Axel Alfred
Weill, Michael David
Wellink, Nout
Whitman, Marina von Neumann
Willem-Alexander, Prince of Orange
William Prince of Wales
Williams, Dr Rowan
Williams, Shirley
Wilson, David
Wolfensohn, James
Wolin, Neal S.
Woolf, Harry
Woolsey, R. James Jr.
Worcester, Sir Robert
Wu, Sarah
Zoellick, Robert
- Quote: Why are we talking about renewable energy in the context of carbon foot printing at the 7th PCF World Summit? Interestingly Bill Gates has provided an interesting take in a TED Talk a couple of years ago. He explains why efforts in energy efficiency can only go so far and addressing climate change is really about decarbonizing (lowering the carbon footprint of) the energy used for the provision of goods and services. One may not agree with the role of nuclear energy he foresees, but the general argumentation is quite compelling.
Science & Technology Bill Gates: Innovating to zero (TED Talk 2010)
Why are we talking about renewable energy in the context of carbon footprinting - Ann Little Running Deer
TheRationalHatter Oct. 2012
I don’t know. When he’s talking about population he states that population is going from 6.8B to 9B and says that the increase is ~1.3. 9B divided by 6.8B is 1.323529411764706. Or ~1.3. I’m not a believer in the whole vacines as a method of depopulation stuff but the math doesn’t work if you think he’s talking about anything other than people. The point of the talk is about making cheaper energy. But he is undeniably suggesting that we reduce population growth. - Ann Little Running Deer Note this comment about TED talk…..
Rene Pedraza Dec. 2012
Sad that GANHAM STYLE has 5,000,0000,000 hits and this which is our survival only has 2,488…..we’re doomed.
shared Antonio Sanchez's photo. Even insidious LINES IN THE SKY can become artful.
TANKER JET spraying chemtrails filmed up close by AF pilots! … TOP SECRET Mission …
Gates admits to chemtrails253 26 Jul 2012 bill gates, chemtrails, climate change, depopulation, eugenics, geo-engineering, global warming by Clark Kent Geo-engineers are finally coming out of the “chemtrail” closet, as reports are now emerging about deliberate plans in the works to dump untold tons of sulfate chemicals into the atmosphere for the purported purpose of fighting so-called “global warming.” The U.K.’s Guardian and others are reporting that a multi-million dollar research fund, which just so happens to have been started and funded by Microsoft founder and vaccine enthusiast Bill Gates, is being used to fund the project. A large balloon hovering at 80,000 feet over Fort Sumner, New Mexico, will release the sulfates into the atmosphere within the next year.
The stated purpose for this massive release of toxic sulfate particles is that doing so will allegedly reflect sunlight back into the atmosphere, and thus cool the planet. But many environmental groups and advocates of common sense are decrying the idea as dangerous, and one that could result in permanent damage to ecosystems all across the globe.
“Impacts include the potential for further damage to the ozone layer, and disruption of rainfall, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions, potentially threatening the food supplies of billions of people,” said Pat Mooney, Executive Director of the ETC Group, a Canadian environmental protection group.
“It will do nothing to decrease levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere or halt ocean acidification. And solar geo-engineering is likely to increase the risk of climate-related international conflict, given that the modeling to date shows it poses greater risks to the global south.”
But the Gates-backed cohort is persistent in its efforts to geo-graffiti the world, as its scientists insist that governments are not doing enough to fight back against the supposed environment impacts of global warming. If governments refuse to implement high enough carbon taxes to eliminate greenhouse gases, in other words, then Gates and Co. believes it has no choice but to “save the planet” by polluting it with sulfate particles.
Spraying the skies with sulfate particles will destroy the planet faster than ‘global warming’ ever could Sulfate particles are toxic, though, and constitute the very same type of ambient particulate matter (PM) that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers to be a noxious air pollutant. Deliberately spraying the skies with tiny particles composed of any material, for that matter, is hazardous both to respiratory health in humans and animals, as well as to water sources, soils, and other delicate environmental resources.
“Sulfate particles from acid rain can cause harm to the health of marine life in the rivers and lakes it contaminates, and can result in mortality,” says an online water pollution guide ( A University of Washington (UW) report also explains that sulfate particles “contribute to acid rain, cause lung irritation, and have been a main culprit in causing the haze that obscures a clear view of the Grand Canyon.”
Blocking the sun with reflective particles will also deprive humans of natural sunlight exposure, which is a primary source for naturally generating health-promoting vitamin D in the body. So once again, Bill Gates is at the helms of a project that seeks to control the climate in artificial ways using toxic chemicals, an endeavor that is sure to create all sorts of potentially irreversible problems for humanity and the planet.
The stated purpose for this massive release of toxic sulfate particles is that doing so will allegedly reflect sunlight back into the atmosphere, and thus cool the planet. But many environmental groups and advocates of common sense are decrying the idea as dangerous, and one that could result in permanent damage to ecosystems all across the globe.
“Impacts include the potential for further damage to the ozone layer, and disruption of rainfall, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions, potentially threatening the food supplies of billions of people,” said Pat Mooney, Executive Director of the ETC Group, a Canadian environmental protection group.
“It will do nothing to decrease levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere or halt ocean acidification. And solar geo-engineering is likely to increase the risk of climate-related international conflict, given that the modeling to date shows it poses greater risks to the global south.”
But the Gates-backed cohort is persistent in its efforts to geo-graffiti the world, as its scientists insist that governments are not doing enough to fight back against the supposed environment impacts of global warming. If governments refuse to implement high enough carbon taxes to eliminate greenhouse gases, in other words, then Gates and Co. believes it has no choice but to “save the planet” by polluting it with sulfate particles.
Spraying the skies with sulfate particles will destroy the planet faster than ‘global warming’ ever could Sulfate particles are toxic, though, and constitute the very same type of ambient particulate matter (PM) that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers to be a noxious air pollutant. Deliberately spraying the skies with tiny particles composed of any material, for that matter, is hazardous both to respiratory health in humans and animals, as well as to water sources, soils, and other delicate environmental resources.
“Sulfate particles from acid rain can cause harm to the health of marine life in the rivers and lakes it contaminates, and can result in mortality,” says an online water pollution guide ( A University of Washington (UW) report also explains that sulfate particles “contribute to acid rain, cause lung irritation, and have been a main culprit in causing the haze that obscures a clear view of the Grand Canyon.”
Blocking the sun with reflective particles will also deprive humans of natural sunlight exposure, which is a primary source for naturally generating health-promoting vitamin D in the body. So once again, Bill Gates is at the helms of a project that seeks to control the climate in artificial ways using toxic chemicals, an endeavor that is sure to create all sorts of potentially irreversible problems for humanity and the planet.
Geoengineering And The Collapse Of Earth 2014 - THIS MUST BE SHARED! Climate Engineering Weather Warfare, and the Collapse of Civilization – PLEASE SHARE!! Also showing Maps of Dead Zones in the Oceans. No Oxygen in the Ocean water for fish / sea life to breathe! Loss of Worlds Foods, Yes for every living thing around the World. Do they want to keep you alive? Does Not Look That way!
Published on Jan 29, 2014
Look Up! A Social Action Documentary (Chemtrails and the Skyder alert App)
Wake Up World
Published on May 15, 2013
SkyderALERT is a global movement fighting to end the world's most dangerous environmental program ever - GeoEngineering and SRM: Using airplanes to spray the sky with toxic metals and particles, intending to block the sun and force climate change while creating unknown consequences.
SkyderALERT is a global movement fighting to end the world's most dangerous environmental program ever - GeoEngineering and SRM: Using airplanes to spray the sky with toxic metals and particles, intending to block the sun and force climate change while creating unknown consequences.
A Sheep No More
How to Protect Yourself From Chemtrail Poisoning
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”How to Protect Yourself From Chemtrail Poisoning - A Sheep No Moreasheepnomore.netBy: Drina Brooke, Certified Herbalist “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Such is Ben Franklin’s saying. How true it is! He...
Yikes! Well that’s a lot to bite off and chew, isn’t it. So before we go into the discussion of dietary and herbal support for such exposure, let’s look at ways to reduce exposure in the first place. a) It’s the age-old trick of people who are environmentally ill. They wear a scarf or mask over their nose and mouth, to filter any chemicals out of the air they breathe.
If you see chemtrails in the sky, you and all of your loved ones should be doing the same.
b) Consider purchasing a high-quality air filter for your home. Airstar is an excellent brand with various models, which are designed to remove small particles, bacteria and chemicals from the air. They are used by environmentally ill people, whose immune systems are so compromised that they cannot walk into a grocery store or go down the detergent isle. Some even have to move to the desert or elsewhere, and every one of them requires special housing. So these are very well designed air filters. You could call Real Goods in Hopland, CA to find out about the newest models and other brands used by chemically sensitive people: Toll-free: (800) 919-2400 c)
A water filter will be just as crucial. Reports of dying fish are not to be laughed at in heavily sprayed chemtrail areas. I recommend the Multi-Pure product , which removes at minimum 95% of each chemical or heavy metal included in its very long list. In fact, many are removed at rates of 98.9%, and a few at 99%. Some models will filter all of the water in your home, including your bath water. Don’t forget that the skin absorbs chemicals and metals: Protect yourself in the shower as well as when drinking water. There also are separate shower filters available less expensively then filters designed for the entire home.
(You could also ask about filters for your outdoor garden hose, as the ground water is bound to be contaminated. Don’t dump that tainted water on your plants, this will only contribute to polluting the ground water as well as your plants!)
d) One blogger mentioned covering her garden with thin plastic on spray days. The thinnest grade of plastic, she points out, allows the plants not to suffocate or overheat, but still protects them. Remove it after spraying is done. Wear gloves and wash them, and your hands, thoroughly. e) In his article titled “Living Safely in a Polluted World:
Your Home Should be a Haven”, Dr. Leon Chaitow suggests taking off your shoes prior to entering your home. This is not merely for housekeeping purposes, but for chemical hygiene: Heavy metals such as lead may be contaminating the soil from prior exhaust fume exposure, he writes (it lasts many years prior to breakdown), and clings to dust particles. Other chemicals also cling to dust, he writes. With chemtrail sprays, the same cautions may be observed. Extra vacuuming and dusting will be key.
f) Vacuum your furniture, rugs, drapes (yes, drapes especially, don’t forget how much they may filter out from incoming air) and home very well if there is any aerial spraying going on. Close your windows and doors on spray days. Immediately throw out any vacuum bags after use. g)
Essential oils in your home not only smell pleasant, but have anti-microbial action. Tea tree and oregano oils are particularly effective against viruses and bacteria, with citrus oils following second in line. Lavender will kill some dust mites too, but has less anti-viral/anti-bacterial action than the oregano and tea tree oils. It is perfectly okay to mix the above oils together. Very lightly spray them on your drapes, carpets, floors and put them in your heat vents. Consider very lightly spraying them in your car, too, particularly on floor mats and seats (essential oils are exceptionally powerful, so don’t overdo them. Two drops in a mugful of tea water, or about 4 to 6 drops in a sprayer bottle of water, are all that you need. Just enough to smell nice, without being overpowering.
Don’t use if you have infants, they may be too strong).
h) Spread word, spread word, spread word! - See more at:
How to Protect Yourself From Chemtrail Poisoning
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”How to Protect Yourself From Chemtrail Poisoning - A Sheep No Moreasheepnomore.netBy: Drina Brooke, Certified Herbalist “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Such is Ben Franklin’s saying. How true it is! He...
Yikes! Well that’s a lot to bite off and chew, isn’t it. So before we go into the discussion of dietary and herbal support for such exposure, let’s look at ways to reduce exposure in the first place. a) It’s the age-old trick of people who are environmentally ill. They wear a scarf or mask over their nose and mouth, to filter any chemicals out of the air they breathe.
If you see chemtrails in the sky, you and all of your loved ones should be doing the same.
b) Consider purchasing a high-quality air filter for your home. Airstar is an excellent brand with various models, which are designed to remove small particles, bacteria and chemicals from the air. They are used by environmentally ill people, whose immune systems are so compromised that they cannot walk into a grocery store or go down the detergent isle. Some even have to move to the desert or elsewhere, and every one of them requires special housing. So these are very well designed air filters. You could call Real Goods in Hopland, CA to find out about the newest models and other brands used by chemically sensitive people: Toll-free: (800) 919-2400 c)
A water filter will be just as crucial. Reports of dying fish are not to be laughed at in heavily sprayed chemtrail areas. I recommend the Multi-Pure product , which removes at minimum 95% of each chemical or heavy metal included in its very long list. In fact, many are removed at rates of 98.9%, and a few at 99%. Some models will filter all of the water in your home, including your bath water. Don’t forget that the skin absorbs chemicals and metals: Protect yourself in the shower as well as when drinking water. There also are separate shower filters available less expensively then filters designed for the entire home.
(You could also ask about filters for your outdoor garden hose, as the ground water is bound to be contaminated. Don’t dump that tainted water on your plants, this will only contribute to polluting the ground water as well as your plants!)
d) One blogger mentioned covering her garden with thin plastic on spray days. The thinnest grade of plastic, she points out, allows the plants not to suffocate or overheat, but still protects them. Remove it after spraying is done. Wear gloves and wash them, and your hands, thoroughly. e) In his article titled “Living Safely in a Polluted World:
Your Home Should be a Haven”, Dr. Leon Chaitow suggests taking off your shoes prior to entering your home. This is not merely for housekeeping purposes, but for chemical hygiene: Heavy metals such as lead may be contaminating the soil from prior exhaust fume exposure, he writes (it lasts many years prior to breakdown), and clings to dust particles. Other chemicals also cling to dust, he writes. With chemtrail sprays, the same cautions may be observed. Extra vacuuming and dusting will be key.
f) Vacuum your furniture, rugs, drapes (yes, drapes especially, don’t forget how much they may filter out from incoming air) and home very well if there is any aerial spraying going on. Close your windows and doors on spray days. Immediately throw out any vacuum bags after use. g)
Essential oils in your home not only smell pleasant, but have anti-microbial action. Tea tree and oregano oils are particularly effective against viruses and bacteria, with citrus oils following second in line. Lavender will kill some dust mites too, but has less anti-viral/anti-bacterial action than the oregano and tea tree oils. It is perfectly okay to mix the above oils together. Very lightly spray them on your drapes, carpets, floors and put them in your heat vents. Consider very lightly spraying them in your car, too, particularly on floor mats and seats (essential oils are exceptionally powerful, so don’t overdo them. Two drops in a mugful of tea water, or about 4 to 6 drops in a sprayer bottle of water, are all that you need. Just enough to smell nice, without being overpowering.
Don’t use if you have infants, they may be too strong).
h) Spread word, spread word, spread word! - See more at:
PBS/ Dimming The Sun
I see this long list of visitors from Redmond ,Washington. Kind of got my attention:)
★ Bill Gates Address – ★ The Celebrity … Bill Gates Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA Not an updated address? Please let us know! Address Information: Microsoft Corporation (Company) One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA Phone: (800) 642-7676 Member of 300 Club / Stockholder in Monsanto / Chemtrails
Across from Seattle on Lake Washington close to Redmond, Washington Business.
Chemtrail watch – Seattle – strange weather seemingly induced … Chemtrails over Seattle – ITS TRUE Posted in the Seattle Forum Share … with weather modification and HAARP as the two strongest arguments for what is inarguably an ongoing project in the skies over our heads. … (just across Lake Washington from Seattle) and presto–haze! Logged flaming … Climate Engineering Weather Warfare, and the Collapse of Civilization – PLEASE SHARE!! Also showing Maps of Dead Zones in the Oceans. No Oxygen in the Ocean water for fish / sea life to breathe! Loss of Worlds Foods, Yes for every living thing around the World. Do they want to keep you alive? Does Not Look That way!
More from Chemtrails to De-Populate
Please find and Watch 2 Most important documentary movies “The World According to Monsanto” and “Food Inc”. Youtube keeps deleting them due to corporate pressure. Watch these videos and learn how Governments are killing us through food. Good Luck!!!
Please find and Watch 2 Most important documentary movies “The World According to Monsanto” and “Food Inc”. Youtube keeps deleting them due to corporate pressure. Watch these videos and learn how Governments are killing us through food. Good Luck!!!
How Sad! Air Is So Poisoned injectable oxygen that keeps you alive without breathing? Little Running Deer on April 8th, 2014 via
So that is how the so called elite breath, with this poison air in our skies!
Scientists invent injectable oxygen that keeps you alive without breathing Scientists Invent Injectable Oxygen That Keeps You Alive Without Breathing Oxygen is great, you guys – it’s pretty important to sustaining organic life and does particularly great things for us humans …
In Missouri and Around The World Spraying of Poison For Our Slow Deaths!
Tags: How Sad! Air Is So Poisoned injectable oxygen that keeps you alive without breathing?
So that is how the so called elite breath, with this poison air in our skies!
Scientists invent injectable oxygen that keeps you alive without breathing Scientists Invent Injectable Oxygen That Keeps You Alive Without Breathing Oxygen is great, you guys – it’s pretty important to sustaining organic life and does particularly great things for us humans …
In Missouri and Around The World Spraying of Poison For Our Slow Deaths!
Tags: How Sad! Air Is So Poisoned injectable oxygen that keeps you alive without breathing?
What Chemtrails Are Doing To Your Brain – Neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock Reveals Shocking Facts. Russell Blaylock M.D
GMO | Healing Autism & ADHD April is autism awareness month. … I believe it’s the increase of toxins in our environment such as pesticides, PCB’s, mercury, lead, aluminum, arsenic, and antimony. Just to name a few. … We have genetically modified organisms (GMO) in our food supply, pesticide laden soil, … More from Chemtrails to De-Populate
a link via NBC News: ‘All Americans Microchipped By 2017′ Is NBC predicting RFID implanted in Americans in 2017 or are they the mouth piece for the beast? If you take the RFID Microchip they can TRACK your every move, Control your MONEY, Control your FOOD
Shock Doctrine
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Skull Methane Catastrophewww.geoengineeringwatch.orgExposing the chemtrail-geoengineering coverup Methane Catastrophewww.geoengineeringwatch.orgExposing the chemtrail-geoengineering coverup
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Post by Anonymous Legion.
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Tim Pool Vote for me in the #journalist category of the Shorty Awards (use the form in this link)--> Pool - The Shorty Awardsshortyawards.comSee who nominated Tim Pool in the Shorty Awards, the awards for the best of social media.
The Shorty Interview with Tim Pool What feature should Twitter add? Twitter is pretty good now, it gets the job done. There is always room for improvement but hey, I'm satisfied.
Why should we vote for you? Since winning last year I have expanded my use of social media in journalism. I have covered major events in Istanbul, Cairo, and Kyiv.
Ever get called out for tweeting too much? Yes, but it depends on how many followers the particular person has. If they have few they see me more often.
Who do you admire most for his or her use of Twitter? No one person really, journalists in general kick ass on Twitter
View Tim Pool's complete Shorty Interview Learn More about Tim Pool Biography Tim Pool is an American journalist whose unique style of interactive broadcast journalism exists at the intersection of social and mainstream media. As a Producer for VICE Media, he has covered major events around the world in places such as Istanbul, Cairo, and Sao Paulo. Pool's coverage for, as well as his groundbreaking livestream coverage of the 2011 protest movement, has been featured by international media outlets including The Guardian, Reuters, The New York Times, NBC, FastCompany, and Al Jazeera English. He is known for pushing the boundaries of journalism by consistently utilizing new technology such as livestreaming aerial drones, mobile devices, and even Google Glass. Pool was featured in TIME's person of the year 2011, is a nominee to the TIME 100 in 2012, and was the recipient of the Shorty Award for Best Journalist in Social Media in 2013.
How do you or your organization use social media? What makes your use unique? I consistently innovate methodology and technology in journalism. Social media is a main driving force. I am the first person to do a Reddit AMA live on the ground at a major geo political event. I used Instagram video as a means to simply the answering process. Most of the time I use livestreaming mobile apps to report live around the world and interact directly with my audience.
My best work on social media
Why should we vote for you? Since winning last year I have expanded my use of social media in journalism. I have covered major events in Istanbul, Cairo, and Kyiv.
Ever get called out for tweeting too much? Yes, but it depends on how many followers the particular person has. If they have few they see me more often.
Who do you admire most for his or her use of Twitter? No one person really, journalists in general kick ass on Twitter
View Tim Pool's complete Shorty Interview Learn More about Tim Pool Biography Tim Pool is an American journalist whose unique style of interactive broadcast journalism exists at the intersection of social and mainstream media. As a Producer for VICE Media, he has covered major events around the world in places such as Istanbul, Cairo, and Sao Paulo. Pool's coverage for, as well as his groundbreaking livestream coverage of the 2011 protest movement, has been featured by international media outlets including The Guardian, Reuters, The New York Times, NBC, FastCompany, and Al Jazeera English. He is known for pushing the boundaries of journalism by consistently utilizing new technology such as livestreaming aerial drones, mobile devices, and even Google Glass. Pool was featured in TIME's person of the year 2011, is a nominee to the TIME 100 in 2012, and was the recipient of the Shorty Award for Best Journalist in Social Media in 2013.
How do you or your organization use social media? What makes your use unique? I consistently innovate methodology and technology in journalism. Social media is a main driving force. I am the first person to do a Reddit AMA live on the ground at a major geo political event. I used Instagram video as a means to simply the answering process. Most of the time I use livestreaming mobile apps to report live around the world and interact directly with my audience.
My best work on social media